Skype for android 3.0 honeycomb
Skype for android 3.0 honeycomb

skype for android 3.0 honeycomb

Only a small percentage of Android smartphones are running the most recent version, a disconnect that confuses users who wonder what they'll get when they choose an Android smartphone - and that turns off developers. Along with others at InfoWorld, I've beaten on Google to rationalize the fragmented Android platform, and this is a great start. Combining Android 2.3 "Gingerbread" and 3.0 "Honeycomb," respectively the smartphone and tablet versions of Android, makes enormous sense. Unity for Android, at last Google's "Ice Cream Sandwich" play is easy to understand. And keeping Skype out of Google's hands was critical: Google already has a big presence in telephony with Google Voice and video messaging Microsoft couldn't afford to fall further behind. Baking Skype into Windows Phone would give users a reason to buy one, while developers would have more reasons to write to the platform. Video calling is growing rapidly and is a technology with huge appeal to consumers and businesses. Integration with some Microsoft products like Lync won't be easy, as my colleague Woody Leonhard has noted, but the biggest opportunity - and the reason I like the deal - is the huge boost it will give to Windows Phone. (Incidentally, some 37 percent of Skype's customers say they use the service for business, according to the SEC filing.) Yeah, some of you are sniggering because you hate Microsoft code, but because it runs in a huge percentage of enterprises around the world, being snobbish is beside the point. Its code needs to be cleaned up to meet enterprise standards.

Skype for android 3.0 honeycomb